MHDA have recognised the increasing use of Short Messaging Services (SMS) in recent years as a means of digital communication with consumers of our services, and other health professionals.

SMS is text messaging a person on a mobile phone, or sending a typed message from a computer using a computer to mobile phone application, such as a Message Media.

We would like to get your feedback about your current use of SMS as a digital form of communication with consumers. This information will help us to develop clear, consistent and helpful guidance for all MHDA staff regarding use of SMS for digital communication with consumers.

There are 10 questions in the survey and an opportunity for comments and suggestions. It should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

Most of the questions are yes or no responses, two questions ask you to indicate your agreement with a series of statements and three questions ask for your comments and suggestions.

Your responses to the survey are anonymous.

Thank you for your support.

Aims of collecting this survey

  • Understand the current level and nature of SMS use by clinicians with consumers
  • Identify the main types of SMS communication used with consumers, ie. appointment reminders, or clinical matters/ discussion
  • Seek feedback about the benefits and risks of SMS communication with consumers
  • Inform development of MHDA district guidance for staff regarding use of SMS as a communication method with consumers

Update - survey now closed

Thanks for your interest! This survey has now closed. We will be in touch soon with a summary of what we learnt and next steps.