Your ideas matter

The ideas and suggestions submitted here will be shared with senior staff from Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol Services at Murrumbidgee Local Health District. This helps us better understand what people in our community need from their services and how we can improve.

Ideas submitted here are also visible to other visitors to this site so please choose a name that does not identify you (please don't use your full name).

Comments will be published subject to our Moderation and Community Guidelines.

What are your ideas for mental health, drug and alcohol services in the Murrumbidgee region?

From your experience, how could Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol services be the best they can be for everyone in our community who needs them? (max 140 characters).

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Moderation Policy

27 June, 2024

William says:

A big thing in mental health care Is people like me just want to be loved and people to take time and talk and have a cupped tea

25 November, 2022

Rural says:

More resources for community mental health in rural settings, More cars, bigger cars. More support hours.

22 February, 2022

Richard says:

How to interview and supervise lived experience workforces

13 October, 2021

Simmt says:

Someone other than our GP to support us. I thought mine was listening to me when it came down to it she wasn’t or writing everything I say.

28 April, 2021

Lizzie says:

I’d like to be asked who my carer is when I come into hospital. I’d like my carer to be invited to help me plan my goals.