
What we have heard from the community

2 June 2021

Thank you to all those that have reflected on their insights and experiences and taken the time to so generously share their ideas for this important new service. We value your time and wisdom.

Here is what we have heard:

What people want from their health services at times of crisis

  • People feel that the wait to access services or get an appointment with a health professional was a barrier to people seeking help.
  • Additionally, people want more coordinated services so that they didn’t have to retell their story multiple times when seeking help.
  • People want health professionals to be compassionate and offer genuine understanding and hope.
  • Participants suggested that services should be quicker and easier to access, including after hours.

People’s suggestions for the SPOT service

  • Participants were happy to contact the SPOT team in-person, by phone or by video link. Others suggested text and live chat options.
  • People most want the SPOT team to provide follow-up after a suicidal crisis or attempt, to be connected with other services that can help and to simply be there to listen at a time of need.
  • Some suggested that they would also like the SPOT team to provide advice and support to family members and friends of people experiencing suicidal crisis.
  • Participants felt that it was important that the SPOT team reached out to communities across Murrumbidgee to raise awareness of the service and encourage people to connect when needed.
  • At night and at weekends were felt to be the times that SPOT was most needed.

​What happens next?

The SPOT project team are reviewing all the feedback they have received from the community consultation and the co-design sessions.

They will consider the feedback and suggestions when writing the SPOT service model. The service model sets out how the service will run and the goals of the service and its staff.

Once the service model has been drafted, we will be inviting people with lived experience, family and carers and members of the community to review it and provide their comments.

Keep an eye on this page for updates on the next stage of consultation.