
Tell us what you think of our Safe Haven key message

12 June 2024

We are working on an update of the information materials we use to let the community know about the Safe Haven and Suicide Prevention Outreach Team (SPOT) services, including creating new promotional items (like coasters, fridge magnets and pens) featuring a key message about the purpose of Safe Havens and how they can help.

We are inviting the community to review these materials and tell us if they include the information that is most important, or if there are ways they could be improved.

Visit the Suicide Prevention Services page to review the materials and share your feedback. You can complete a quick survey on the draft leaflets, or take part in a quick poll to share your opinion of our new Safe Haven key message (or do both!).

Your feedback and perspectives are so important to us and help make sure that the community knows about these services and how they can access them when needed.

Safe Haven - HELP when you are feeling distress or have thoughts of suicide