We are leading a project which will help young people connect to services in Murrumbidgee to prevent youth suicide.
This project is working with young people in Narrandera, Young, Tumut, Lake Cargelligo and Deniliquin.
To help build this project, we want to hear from:
- young people (18-24) who have used a suicide prevention service in Murrumbidgee,
- parents/carers of young people with this experience.
About this project
The Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) is being funded by the Department of Regional NSW to lead a project to explore how our services may better help prevent youth suicide in our region.
The project aims to involve our communities in creating a framework for youth suicide services in Murrumbidgee.
The aims of the project are:
- To listen to the lived experience of young people (18-24 years) and their parents/carers.
- To better understand what types of suicide prevention services meet the needs of young people.
- To learn how to connect young people in the Murrumbidgee region with suicide prevention services.
Involving the Community
During November and December 2024, the project team travelled to meet with young people and their parents/carers in five sites across the Murrumbidgee Local Health District; Narrandera, Young, Tumut, Lake Cargelligo and Deniliquin.
We are now reviewing the feedback and working on a draft of the Early Intervention Framework.
Soon we will invite young people and carers to take part in further Yarning Circle Workshops to share their thoughts on the draft Early Intervention Framework. Participants will be given a $40 voucher for each Yarning Circle Workshop they take part in.
Please read more important information about this project below before you choose to take part.
Other ways to take part
If you cannot attend a Yarning Circle Workshop, or would like to share your ideas a different way, you are welcome to contact Kim, the Project Lead Youth Suicide Early Intervention with your thoughts and suggestions.
kim.nelsonmiles@health.nsw.gov.au |
There is no charge involved in taking part in this project. Participants will be given a $40 voucher for each Yarning Circle Workshop they take part in.
Participation in this project means that you will help better connect young people with suicide prevention services in Murrumbidgee.
Sometimes, thinking about past experiences of suicide can bring up difficult memories and feelings.
Before taking part, please think about whether this is the right time for you.
You can read more about what support will be there for you while you take part in the information below.
There will be staff on-site to support you if needed during the Yarning Circle Workshop.
You can also access support after the session from:
- Murrumbidgee Local Health District Mental Health Access Line -1800 800 944
Access Line is a free phone service staffed by mental health practitioners and is available 24 hours a day, seven days per week.
- 13 YARN (13 92 76)
Provides 24/7 support in a culturally safe space to yarn about your needs, worries or concerns with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person.
Participation in this project is entirely your choice. If you choose not to contribute, simply do not register your interest.
You may change your mind at any time. Deciding not to take part is your choice and will not have any negative impact.
You can change your mind about taking part at any time. To do this, just email one of the project contacts at any time.
You may leave the Yarning Circle Workshop at any time, but anything you have already said or written during the group, cannot be removed.
Your personal information and anything you say or write during the Yarning Circle Workshops will be safely stored for at least five years.
Only the project team will be able to see this information. It will be kept on password-protected shared files and/or password protected NSW Health computers.
Reports or presentations from this project will not share the name of any people who took part.
Anything said in the Yarning Circle Workshops will be kept confidential by the project team unless we are required by N.S.W law to disclose this.
We will also ask all people in the Yarning Circle Workshops to keep the things they hear or read confidential. But, like anything shared in a group, we cannot control the actions of other participants.